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Master Glossary

This is the glossary for standardizing the words used for key theological terms.

To suggest a change, put it in parentheses followed by a question mark next to the current term: (new term?). To suggest an addition, post it in the table at the bottom of this page.

English Term Translation Suggested Changes (include your name)
rendición de cuentas/ rendir cuentas
atonement expiacion, restitucion
believer creyente
Care group
grupos de casa
effective calling llamado eficaz
expiation expiación
edifying edificante
efective eficaz
fulfilling cumpliendo
Gentiles gentiles
godliness piedad
gospel evangelio
imputation imputación
justification justificación
legalistic / legalism legalista / legalismo
plant churches plantar iglesias
predestination predestinación
propitiation propiciación
ransomed rescatado
reaching out tratando de alcanzar
revival avivamiento
sanctification santificación
self-righteous justicia propia/ auto-justicia
senior pastor pastor principal
steadfast constante
stumble tropezar
substitution sustitución
repentance arrepentimiento
turn from your sins arrepentirte de tus pecados
wrath ira

Suggested Additions

If you would like to add a term to the master glossary, suggest it in the table below for others to evaluate. (After clicking on "edit", you can right click on the table below to add rows.)

English Term Translation Suggested By
Namely Es decir Pamela Ramos
Therefore Por consiguiente Pamela Ramos
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