
From Gospel Translations

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Master Glossary

This is the glossary for standardizing the words used for key theological terms.

To suggest a change, put it in parentheses followed by a question mark next to the current term: (new term?). To suggest an addition, post it in the table at the bottom of this page.

English Term Translation Suggested Changes (include your name)

atonement Versöhnung


believer Christ
exact translation would be „Gläubiger“, but then the religion would not be clear -„Christ“ just means „Christian“
Care group
Kleingruppe / Hauskreis


effective calling wirksamer Ruf

expiation Versöhnung
Sühnetod/Opfer (das ganz die Schuld tilgt)
edifying aufbauend

efective wirksam

fulfilling erfüllend

Gentiles Nationen- Heidenvölker/ Nichtjuden

godliness Gottesfurcht

gospel Evangelium

imputation Zurechnung

justification Rechtfertigung

legalistic / legalism gesetzlich / Gesetzlichkeit

mercy Barmherzigkeit

plant churches Gemeinden gründen

predestination Prädestination

propitiation Versöhnung
ransomed erlöst

reaching out [jemanden] zu erreichen versuchen

revival Erweckung

sanctification Heiligung

self-righteous selbstgerecht

senior pastor Pastor / Hauptpastor (?)
(Churches in Germany tend to be small and there are very few churches in Germany with more than one pastor. So it's not clear to me what the best translation is)
steadfast standhaft

stumble stolpern

substitution Stellvertretung

repentance Buße

turn from your sins Kehre um von deinen Sünden

wrath Zorn

Suggested Additions

If you would like to add a term to the master glossary, suggest it in the table below for others to evaluate. (After clicking on "edit", you can right click on the table below to add rows.)

English Term Translation Suggested By


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