How Can I Change?/Caught in the Gap Trap

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All those who are struggling with anger, please come forward. We’d like to pray for you.”

It was Sunday morning. I had just finished teaching about anger, and wanted to give the Holy Spirit opportu- nity to work in the hearts of those present. But I could not have anticipated the response.

About twenty humble saints came down to the front of the auditorium—a large group for a church our size. And yet it wasn’t the number that caught my attention. It was the people themselves. Nineteen of the twenty were moth- ers of young children! (Anger is an occupational hazard, according to most mothers I’ve ever known.)

As their pastor, I knew all of these women to be serious and dedicated Christians. What caused them to come for- ward was their intense frustration at being caught in the gap—a gap between the biblical standard of self-control and their own failure to live up to that standard.

Whether the problem is anger, fear, worry, or some- thing as common as laziness, we’ve all experienced that gap between what we are and what we should be. The Bible says we’re new creations, victors, overcomers. And we’re not just conquerors—we’re morethan conquerors (Ro 8:37). Sometimes we even feel that way. More often than not, however, we have a hard time seeing beyond our limitations and perpetual failures. And it always seems to be during these seasons of life that Matthew 5:48 surfaces in our Bible reading plan: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

For Further Study: Even Paul the apostle got caught in the gap trap (Romans 7:21-25). Can you identify with his frustration?

Quietly we sigh and think to ourselves, It will never happen.

I call this state of mind the “gap trap.” Here’s how it works: As Christians, we all have a certain amount of knowledge regarding what God expects from us. But we achieve less than we know we should be achieving. There exists then a gap between what we know is required and our actual performance. If the distance between what we know and what we’re living becomes too great, we can rightly be called hypocrites.

"The Christian life is a matter of becoming in intrinsic character what we already are in Christ...The purpose of these passages (e.g. Romans 6, Colossians 3:5-14, Ephesians 4:22-32) is to show us the great gap between what we are counted or reckoned to be in Christ (justification) and what we are actually in ourselves in daily living (sanctification) in order to urge us to close the gap...Paul’s purpose is to urge us to become in everyday living what we already are counted to be in Christ."[1] —Jay Adams

This gap is a fact of Christian life. For most of us, no one need tell us of our inconsistencies—we’re all too aware of them. Such awareness should serve to keep us humble and dependent upon God for success. But the trap is often sprung by our ignorance of the doctrine of sanctification. Rather than recognizing that the gap exists to urge us onward in fervent reliance upon Christ, we allow it to condemn us and halt our forward progress. We get trapped into thinking we’re just losers, failures, good-for-nothings...and maybe not even Christians. Some even lapse into inaction or disobedience. Those caught in this trap (and, to a certain extent, we all are) suffer unnecessarily from discouragement.

As a pastor, one of my main responsibilities is helping individuals out of the gap trap. I often find myself telling people, “It will not be instant, and it’s bound to require serious effort, but getting out of the gap trap is not com- plicated. And believe me, it will be well worth it.”

cated. And believe me, it will be well worth it.” Perhaps you’ve found yourself in the gap trap. Maybe you’re there right now. If so, we’re confident this book can help you close the gap between who you should be in Christ and who you are in actual practice.

Can you imagine a life in which you are breaking sinful habits and making real progress in godliness? Such a life is possible. And this book is written to assist and encour- age you as you make that life your own.

Between the “Now” and the “Not Yet”

1 Are there any areas of your life in which you know you aren’t living up to God’s expectations? (Briefly describe one area in the space below.)

Without question, one of the most frustrating things about the Christian life is the apparent contradiction between what God reckons us to be and what we, by expe- rience, know ourselves to be. Take the Corinthians, for example. At one point Paul assured them, “You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1Co 6:11). Sounds like an open-and- shut case, doesn’t it? Until you read Paul’s second letter to this church, in which he seems to say almost the opposite: “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of rever- ence for God” (2Co 7:1).

I expect the Corinthians were some- what confused. Were they sancti- fied...or contaminated? Actually, they were both, and so are we. In order to explain that, let me take you on a brief tangent.

Meditate on 1 John 3:2-3. What impact should our thoughts about the “not yet” have on the “now”?

God’s kingdom is both “now” and “not yet.” It is pres- ent in certain respects and future in others. Our Lord came proclaiming and demonstrating that the kingdom (or rule) of God had intersected human history:“If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you” (Lk 11:20). However, God’s kingdom has not yet come in its fullness. That won’t happen until Jesus returns again in power, when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord. Until then, without denying the present reality of God’s kingdom, we fer- vently pray, “May your kingdom come” (Mt 6:10).

In this respect, God’s kingdom closely parallels our individual lives. God, through the wonderful work of justification, has declared us righteous. Our legal stand- ing before him has changed. That issue has been settled once and for all in the high court of heaven. On this side of heaven, though, our internal transformation is an ongoing project. The process of sanctification keeps me busy as a Christian personally, and also provides me with plenty of work as a pastor.

So do we have victory in Jesus or not? Are we overcom- ers, or are we overcome? Oscar Cullmann suggests an analogy from World War II which I believe can help us grasp this apparent contradiction.[2]

History records two important days toward the end of World War II: D-Day and VE-Day. D-Day took place June 6, 1944 when the Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France. This was the turning point in the war; once this landing was successfully completed, Hitler’s fate was sealed. The war was essentially over. Yet total victory in Europe (VE-Day) did not occur until May 7, 1945 when German forces surrendered in Berlin. This eleven-month interval is remembered as one of the bloodiest periods of the war. Pitched battles were fought throughout France, Belgium, and Germany. Although the enemy had been mortally wounded, he did not immediately succumb.

"Divine election is the guarantee that God will undertake to complete by sanctifying grace what his electing grace has begun. This is the meaning of the new covenant: God does not merely command obedience, he gives it.[3] -John Piper

The cross was our D-Day. There the Lord Jesus Christ died to break the chains of sin from his people. On the basis of his death and resurrection, we are justified. Yet the final victory awaits Christ’s return. There is no doubt as to the outcome of things. But we will still find ourselves involved in skirmishes and battles until the Lord appears in glory to vanquish forever the forces of darkness.

For Further Study: Read 1 Peter 5:8-9. Though God’s ultimate triumph is inevitable, we should fight with a healthy respect for our adversary.

This distinction, if kept in mind, can spare us a lot of discouragement. The battle still rages, but the war has been won. An awareness of Christ’s finished work on our behalf is essential for morale as we pursue sanctification. We must study and meditate on the great doctrine of justification until it sinks deeply into our consciousness.

Listerine, Anyone?

Though we are fully justified in Christ (D-Day), we are by no means fully sanctified (VE-Day). Some have failed to understand this.

Bible teacher Ern Baxter tells of an incident that occurred during the Latter Rain Revival of the late 1940s. A heretical teaching had emerged called “the manifest sons of God.” It was essentially a doctrine promising total sanctification in this life. In its extreme form, it included the belief that a spiritual elite would receive glorified bod- ies before Christ’s return.

At the close of a meeting where Baxter was preaching, several manifest sons (and daughters) appeared at the rear of the auditorium clad in white robes. When he finished speaking they swept down the aisle to the front of the church and began trying to make disciples to their doc- trine of absolute perfection. As he relates the story, “The lady who was their leader was in serious need of Listerine. That’s not the kind of perfection I’m looking forward to.”[4]

More common than Ern Baxter’s scenario are situations resulting from a shallow, simplistic view of sanctification.

2 If you were seeking total perfection in this life, which of the following would be hardest for you to do?

❏Never drive even one mile above the speed limit

❏Speak with warmth and kindness to every telemarketer who calls

❏Avoid all unnecessary calories

❏Never hit the snooze button on your alarm clock

❏Always pay your income taxes cheerfully

When I was a new believer, I met a young man named Greg, a self-confessed burglar and drug addict who was apparently converted while in prison. Greg’s grip on living the Christian life impressed me. He carried himself with a bold certainty and walked with a slight swagger. He talked as if sin were not really a problem for him any longer. More than once he told me how he’d been “saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost.”

To hear him describe it made it seem so simple. As a new Christian, he’d boarded a train one day, and when he got off hours later he’d had what he termed a “sanctifica- tion experience.” He assured me that such an experience was a necessary prelude to receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and once that happened, you were all set.

I must admit, there were some things about Greg that didn’t seem too sanctified. He had a judgmental streak and a Pharisaical attitude. He could be both overbearing and petty. I recall his indignant remarks when a friend inadvertently set something on top of his Bible: “I beg your pardon—that happens to be the Word of God!” Still, he sure could quote the Bible, and he seemed to understand this business of sanctification.

For Further Study: Read Matthew 26:41. When is it safe to assume we’ve “arrived” at sanctification?

What a shock when he turned back to selling and using hard drugs.

Greg’s problems included an incomplete and therefore incorrect understanding of the Bible’s teaching on sancti- fication. He had done what so many do by focusing only on those favorite Scripture texts which seemed to validate his personal experience.

"Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness."[5] —Adrian Rogers

Sanctification is both definite (occurring at conversion) and progressive. It didn’t all happen in one experience in the past, nor is it to be thought of as only happening by degrees. We were changed and we are changing. Without dampening the enthusiasm of our successful landing at Normandy, let’s be sober and realistic as we assess the opposition lying between us and Berlin. We don’t have the option of boarding a sanctification train, like Greg claimed to have done. It’s going to be a fight every step of the way.

Worth the Work

For many, “sanctification” is another of those long, theological words often heard but rarely understood. It sounds scholarly and impractical. Yet it is intenselyprac- tical. The doctrine of sanctification answers questions asked by almost every Christian in Church history:

How do I change?

How do I grow?

How do I become like Christ?

How do I get out of the gap trap?

Anything that can answer those questions is worth some effort. Appendix A (page 93) shows how various branches of the Church have handled this issue in the past, but let’s see what we can learn about this essential doctrine as it applies to us today.

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